Improvement in efficiency following in-depth analysis and set of recommendations

Janssen Pharmaceutica in Belgium is a Johnson & Johnson company with locations in Beerse, Geel, and Olen. The company generates knowledge on how to prevent, treat, and cure illnesses, and manufactures medicines for the ultimate purpose of creating a world in which sickness no longer exists. Founded in 1943, the company now employs more than a thousand members of staff.

In Geel, active pharmaceutical ingredients are manufactured for use in medications for pain relief, cancer, diabetes, and viral infections. There are five production plants where over 800 Janssen employees and an average of 250 contractors work each day. In the summer months, the site goes into shutdown mode for a couple of weeks. During this period, the company reaches peaks of a thousand contractors a day.

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Project definition and goals

Janssen Pharmaceutica had already suspected for a while that its daily maintenance activities were not carried out as efficiently as they could be. There seemed to be long delays at the warehouse, job descriptions were not standardized and were often incomplete, and permits were not always immediately available.

Project approach

In 2014, a HoTT (Hands on Tool Time) study was conducted to investigate efficiency of the maintenance activities. This analysis was carried out for the main contractor in conjunction with PDM. The results of the analysis confirmed the suspicions and it soon became clear that there was room for improvement regarding the assignments given to the contractor by Janssen.

Project results

During the improvement process, which was carried out together with PDM, tools and KPIs were developed which gave all the parties better insight into how Janssen likes to plan and perform its maintenance activities on the site. Although the improvement process is not yet finished, an improvement in efficiency has already been noticed. In addition, a start has also been made to ensure that the developed processes, systems, and results that have been achieved are safeguarded in the long run. This includes setting up an evaluation system.

Jos Kenis
Senior Manager for contractor and shutdown management, Janssen Pharmaceutica

By working with the contractor more methodically, we were able to exert a noticeable positive influence on the productivity of our daily maintenance activities. This evolution, which was set in motion on PDM's recommendation, has led to a vast improvement.